Giving the Palestinians a state is a really, really bad idea. But the world seems obsessed with giving them one anyway. The sad truth is that a Palestinian state is not going to bring peace to the region. It is not going to bring an end to the conflict between the Jewish people and the Palestinians. Rather, it is just going to embolden those that desire to see Israel wiped off the map. As you will see below, poll after poll has demonstrated that the Palestinians overwhelmingly believe that a "two state solution" is only an intermediate step toward the eventual goal of taking all of the land away from Israel, and the vast majority of Palestinians still support committing terrorist acts against the Jewish people. You cannot pacify radical jihadists that are obsessed with genocide by giving them land. In addition, if global leaders do try to carve up the land of Israel, that is going to very much upset the Lord God Almighty. But we live in the last days, and we know that these kinds of things are going to happen.
The Palestinians have now submitted their formal request for statehood to the United Nations. The U.S. and the EU are blocking that bid at the moment and they are trying to encourage the Palestinians to renew negotiations with Israel, but that does not mean that they don't want to give the Palestinians a state.
In fact, the U.S. and the EU have both publicly stated that the Palestinians should be given a state based on pre-1967 borders.
It is just that the U.S. and the EU want a Palestinian state to come about through direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.
But what kind of negotiating position does that put Israel in? The U.S. and the EU have already basically promised the Palestinians a state based on pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as the capital.
Unless Israel plans to give up East Jerusalem, negotiations are never going to work. The Palestinians will just keep insisting on East Jerusalem until the rest of the world finally gives it to them.
Not that the Palestinians should ever be given one inch of land. God gave all of that land to the people of Israel forever.
But unfortunately, most of the politicians around the world think that they know better than God does.
The following are 10 reasons why a Palestinian state is a really, really bad idea....
#1 The "Palestinian territories" are currently ruled by two separate governments. One of them is a terrorist organization. Right now, Hamas rules Gaza and Fatah rules the West Bank. So how can Mahmoud Abbas speak for all of them? And how will they suddenly become "one people" once they have been given a state?
#2 A large number of Palestinians do not agree with the statehood request that Abbas has submitted. You would think that this fact would be reported by the mainstream media, but they have been largely silent about this.
The reality, however, is that a number of key Palestinian organizations are very much against what Abbas is doing. For example,
WorldNetDaily recently reported that Hamas has loudly denounced this statehood request....
Major Palestinian factions, including terrorist organizations, reject Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' United Nations statehood request, arguing Abbas does not represent the Palestinian people.
Hamas spokesperson Sami Abu Zuhri said Abbas' U.N. petition "lacks any legitimacy."
#3 The vast majority of Palestinians do not believe that creating a Palestinian state will resolve the conflict with Israel.
So if that is the case, then what in the world is creating a Palestinian state actually going to accomplish?
According to one recent survey, only
34 percent of Palestinians consider the
"two state solution" to be the answer to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
But you don't hear numbers like that in the mainstream media, do you?
#4 Giving the Palestinians a state would create a brand new state sponsor of terror in the heart of the Middle East.
Right now, the Palestinians continually commit acts of terrorism against the Jewish people. The Palestinian Authority is either unwilling or unable to stop this violence.
So why would giving the Palestinians a state change anything?
The truth is that the poll numbers reveal what is really going on....
*According to one recent poll,
58 percent of all Palestinians prefer “armed struggle” over “engagement with Israel”.
*According to another recent poll,
73 percent of all Palestinians agree with the hadith quoted in the Hamas Charter that talks about killing Jews.
*The same poll found that
62 percent of all Palestinians support kidnapping Israeli soldiers and holding them hostage.
Why in the world would the U.S. and the EU support the creation of another terrorist state?
#5 The Palestinians still refuse to recognize that Israel has the right to exist.
The Palestinians want the rest of the world to give them huge chunks of the land of Israel without the Palestinians having to give up anything in return. In fact, they don't even plan to recognize that the nation of Israel has a right to exist.
So what kind of neighbor do you think they will be for Israel?
This refusal to recognize Israel is deeply rooted in the Palestinian psyche. For example, one recent poll found that only
12 percent of all Palestinians agree that official maps, documents and school textbooks should show the name "Israel".
#6 The Palestinian people are still very much dedicated to the destruction of Israel.
According to one recent poll,
two-thirds of all Palestinians believe that the eventual goal of the Palestinians must be "to get back all the land for a Palestinian state."
The primary goal of the Palestinians has never changed. For example, Abu Mujaheed, a spokesperson for the Popular Resistance Committees,
recently told WorldNetDaily the following....
"For Palestinians, the borders are based on 1948 (all of Israel) and this is not negotiable."
So how are you supposed to "negotiate" with someone like that?
If the world wants to give big chunks of land to the Palestinians for free, they will gladly take it.
But it will do nothing to dissuade them from their ultimate goal.
In fact, the Hamas charter still calls for the destruction of Israel. That has not changed.
So why should the rest of the world reward such behavior?
#7 You cannot pacify people that are committed to genocide by giving them land.
It did not work with Hitler and it will not work with the Palestinians.
Hatred for the Jews is growing to a fever pitch all over the Middle East. Just check out the following example from
a recent article in The Blaze....
While perhaps not shocking, it is profoundly disturbing that in the purportedly more “moderate” Egypt of 2011, demonstrators took to the streets outside the Israeli embassy in Cairo with signs bearing swastikas and a message that read: “the gas chambers are ready.”
How in the world are you going to make "peace" with people who think like that?
#8 The pre-1967 borders would make Israel indefensible.
At the narrowest point, Israel would only be 8 miles wide if they were forced to go back to those borders.
The nation would basically become impossible to defend.
In fact, former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Abba Eban referred to them as “
Auschwitz borders”.
#9 In the Bible, the Lord God Almighty warns against dividing the land of Israel.
The book of Joel is all about the return of Jesus Christ to this earth at the end of the Great Tribulation. In Joel 3:2 it tells us that one of the things that Jesus will judge the nations for is dividing up the land of Israel....
"...There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel, because they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land."
In case you haven't noticed, whenever the United States gets involved in trying to divide up the land of Israel we seem to get hit by a major disaster of some sort.
In a previous article, I detailed some of the disasters that have happened when the U.S. government has tried to mess around with the land of Israel....
#1) On April 30, 2003, America was positioned to be the catalyst for the so-called "solution" to the Middle East crisis. As Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas was sworn in, the "Road Map" peace plan was set in motion.
The very next day began the worst month of tornadoes in United States history - more than 500 in a single month. Under normal conditions, 1,000 tornadoes hit the United States each year, but in just eight days that May, 375 twisters ripped across the heartland of America.
#2) May 9, 2003, President Bush addressed students at the University of South Carolina. Bush called on the Palestinians to embrace the roadmap to peace, and Bush expressed his desire to see the flag of Palestine raised over a free nation.
Hours later, tornadoes returned and Oklahoma City again became the target for deadly twisters, reducing many businesses and homes to splinters and bricks. The tornadoes of May devastated the Midwest with the third worst property damage in American history.
#3) On October 30, 1991, in a meeting scheduled by George H.W. Bush, Israelis and Palestinians discussed ways to achieve peace in the Middle East. Opening talks focused on trading parts of Israel for a peace agreement.
That same day, thousands of miles away, a powerful storm was brewing off of the coast of Nova Scotia. On October 31st, what would be known as "The Perfect Storm" smashed into New England, pummeling the President's Kennebunkport, Maine home with waves 30 feet high. It was a storm so rare that the weather patterns required to create it only happen about once every 100 years.
#4) On August 23rd, 1992, Middle East peace talks resumed in Washington, D.C. with hope that there would be a great breakthrough. These talks focused on surrendering the biblical lands of Judea and Samaria in exchange for peace. Hundreds of miles south of there at the same time, Florida was the target for one of the worst natural disasters in U.S. history. Hurricane Andrew ripped through the state with an eye more than 30 miles wide and winds up to 178 miles per hour leaving behind a 32 billion dollar disaster.
#5) Between August 16th and 30th, 2005, Ariel Sharon expelled 9,480 Jewish settlers from 21 settlements in Gaza and four settlements in the northern West Bank.
On January 4th, 2006, Sharon had a stroke, and he fell into a coma and is now in a persistent vegetative state.
#6) The U.S. had strongly pressured Sharon to evacuate those settlers from Gaza.
On August 29th, 2005 the storm that would become Hurricane Katrina formed, and it devastated New Orleans and the surrounding areas to such an extent that they still have not recovered. That devastating storm caused at least 200 billion dollars in damage.
#7) In June of 2001, George W. Bush sent CIA director George Tenet to Israel in an attempt to implement the Mitchell Plan. The Mitchell plan called for, among other things, the cessation of new building in the Jewish settlements.
On the same day that Tenet met with Israeli and Palestinian officials, tropical storm Allison formed in the Gulf of Mexico and moved over Texas, the President's home state, and dropped over 28 inches of rain over the Houston area alone, causing over $4 billion dollars in damage. The storm then moved to Florida and up the east coast causing damage as far as Pennsylvania. The meteorologists called Allison the "worst tropical storm in history".
There are many more examples of this phenomenon
right here.
Could many of the bizarre natural disasters that we have seen this year also be linked to what Obama has been trying to do to the land of Israel?
In the Scriptures, it tells us that God gave the land to the people of Israel. We should not be trying to mess around with that. Psalm 105:8-11 says the following....
He hath remembered his covenant for ever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations. Which covenant he made with Abraham, and his oath unto Isaac; And confirmed the same unto Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant: Saying, Unto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance
#10 The Palestinians are going to insist on East Jerusalem as their capital, but that city belongs to the Lord.
In Zechariah 12:3, we are warned that the city of Jerusalem will one day become a huge stumbling stone for the nations....
"On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves."
Is that not what has happened?
Jerusalem seems to be the "problem" that has no answer.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised to never, ever let Jerusalem become divided.
But the Palestinians have said that they will never accept a state that does not include East Jerusalem.
The Palestinian people are incredibly united on this issue. One recent survey found that
92 percent of Palestinians believe that Jerusalem should be the capital of the future Palestinian state.
So will they get East Jerusalem?
Well, it certainly does not help when United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is running around saying stuff like this....
"...a way must be found for Jerusalem to emerge as a capital of two States, Israel and Palestine, with arrangements for holy sites acceptable for all."
Not only that, but Barack Obama and many top EU leaders have already essentially promised East Jerusalem to the Palestinians.
So what we have is a huge mess.
Eventually we are probably going to see a Palestinian state.
And then after that we are probably going to see a major war.
A Palestinian state is not going to bring peace.
Instead, it is just going to make war much more likely.
These are the last days, and Bible prophecy is going to be fulfilled.
Let us pray for the peace of Israel and let us pray for the peace of Jerusalem.